My first time did not become my first time
I think I was like 18
This girl whose mother was the aunt to my third cousin
walks up to me one day and says, Marvin, Ive decided that I wanna fuck you
She tells told me she would be home alone
I’m like yay!!!
We set a date and time
Her mom would not be home that morning.
It was a school day
i sneak up to the house
It was an old wooden house
With a staircase outside that led to their apartment, first floor
I go up the wooden staircase
Quietly, not to tip off the Chinese restaurant on the groundfloor that some shit was gonna go down! over their heads.
I avoid all the creaks the staircase makes
And just before I reach all the way up, two more steps to go
The door opens and her mom walks out
Bag draped over her arm, like she was gonna go out to run some errand
I stop mid step.
Startled like a fucking deer in headlights
Her mom was surprised to see me.
Hey Marvin. wat doe jij hier?
I mumbled some dumb shit and was about to turn and leave
But the staircase of the old wooden house wasn’t made for standing for extended periods and it literally broke under my weight
I held on to the railing not to fall all the way down
As the mom screams in fear of my safety
Imagine me smacking on the floor in front of the Chinese restaurant …
Safe to say I didn’t get pussy that day
I am sure I fucked her, but I don’t remember where, when and how
A few days later I was at the barber.
Dude was my age
And he and I always swapped stories
So I told him about how I almost fell through a staircase on my hunt for pussy
It cracked him up
Fast forward to now, 30 years later
I hadn’t spoken to him in like 15 years!
But he finds me on FB last march
First fucking thing he says:
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