I wanna tell yall a Thursday story
Thursday is off-beat story day.
Wanna hear it?
Gonna tell it anyway
It happened in Suriname in 2011
I was there for an assignment and I was taken to some riverside party
In a neighborhood where only rich people live
And white people
White rich people
Embassy types
I walked in and I caught the attention of an embassy woman.
My friend caught the attention of a rich Indian woman. He was living with her the next day
Embassy woman, some attaché
We danced and we talked
And at that time i was cocky as shit
So when I left I casually told her call me just now. And i knew she would. Cause her eyes were telling me
So I dropped my boi home and then my phone rang and she told me to meet her outside the gate of the riverside party place
She drove out and I drove behind her
All the way to another rich ass neighborhood
I turned into the driveway behind her car
And waited as she parked in the garage under her house
I didn’t turn off my car and waited for her to get out.
Her door opened
And she was a dude
A white dude
He was scared like fuck!!!!
Turned out the embassy woman had lost me in traffic and I had been following the wrong car, with the wrong white people to the wrong garage under the wrong house.
I had been scaring the shit outa these poor white people, who had definitely noticed a suspicious large horny black guy tailing them in black car.
I turned into jack in a box and got out of their driveway and jetted off like i had been released from prison after doing 20 years for a crime i didn’t commit.
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