By Marvin Hokstam
PARAMARIBO — Wrath really hath no fury like a woman scorned. An adulterous drug dealer learned this the hard way earlier this month.
Police say they arrested Giovanny A. (25) for narcotics, domestic abuse, assault, destruction of government property and resisting arrest, after they caught him red-handed physically manhandling his girlfriend, in front of police headquarters of all places. The officers soon learned that the argument between the two lovers had started at their home and that what had ignited it had started the night before.
The woman had gotten enraged, when her boyfriend returned home with suspicious hickeys in his neck, obviously tell-tale remnants from some dedicated cheating. She confronted him and left the house, threatening him that she would go to the police to tell them that he was a drug dealer who also used to get high on his own supply. She said that she had had enough and that she didn’t care if this would lead to his arrest. She was done!
Giovanny, worried of course, set chase and pleaded with her not to snitch on him. He followed her as she made her way to the police station in the village of Lelydorp in District Wanica, close to where they lived. There he realised that his pleas were falling on deaf ears, so he made one last big attempt to stop her: he grabbed her by the arm, roughly. That was wrong; she resisted, and a fight erupted between the couple, right in front of the police bureau.
This caught the attention of the police officers inside, especially when she, of course, started calling for their help, screaming at the top of her lungs that he was a criminal who was trying to keep her from entering the station to file a report against him.
First one officer went outside to help. He summoned Giovanni to release the woman, but when the abusive man refused, the officer started manhandling him. Giovanni, more concerned than ever that the prison doors were really opening up, fought back while he held on to his woman, so more officers filed out and finally they were able to relieve her and place him in handcuffs.
But even in restraints, Giovanni kept on resisting the officers’ efforts to take him inside the station, kicking and screaming, shattering a glass shutter of the station during the violent scuffle that ensued. And then, as they were dragging him along, a bag containing marijuana and some ecstasy pills fell out of one of his pants pockets, like the final nail into the hands of his coffin maker.
Giovanni had thus personally dragged himself from bad to worse, bringing his exciting night into a full stop in a police cell on a dreadful day.
He has since been arraigned. He remarkably told the investigating judge that he fought the officers who were arresting him, because he thought that they were trying to rob him.
The Daily herald, January 24 2020
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