The Black Owned Business Virtual Fair | X-Mas Edition is your opportunity to leap into the future in a time when business may appear uncertain, and reclaim a December market that will otherwise be lost.
How do you intend to reach your customers in this climate? The yearly Christmas marketplaces are gone. Because of COVID-19, it is unlikely that people will be attending huge, crowded fairs where the rules of social distancing will not be adhered to. Will these even take place?
The Christmas season of 2020 may well be lost for your company, unless there is an event where you can promote your goods and services under the conditions of today. You could still clinch that gig that you used to get last minute for December.
The Black Owned Business Virtual Fair | X-Mas Edition offers that opportunity. A next-level event that allows you to showcase your products and services virtually to customers that can be anywhere else in the world. Customers that may well be looking specifically for your products, as it will be marketed specifically to people from the community.
The Black Lives Matter protests of late have created a new awareness that black owned businesses are the backbone of our marginalized community; patronizing black owned businesses is supporting the black community.
At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit black communities and black owned businesses particularly hard. In the US, 1 out of every 1,000 black people has died from COVID-19. After reports four months ago that black people are disproportionally well represented in the numbers of victims that the pandemic claims in the US and the UK, it is finally dawning on authorities in the Netherlands this week, that migrant communities here are feeling the brunt too.
Forbes.com reported recently that “nearly half of Black small businesses had been wiped out by the end of April as the pandemic ravaged minority communities disproportionately. […]Black businesses experienced the most acute decline, with a 41% drop.”
— Afro Magazine (@_Afromag) October 15, 2020
The black community needs that support. Luckily the awareness is growing. After worldwide “Blackout” campaigns started to convince people to “buy black” black businesses have seen an increase in revenue. That momentum has been spurred; “buying black” has become a rallying cry of many people who prefer to spend their money consciously. It would therefore behoove black owned companies to promote themselves at events where these patrons will want to look to purchase their Christmas goods.
The future is now
AFRO.bz, thé Black Owned Business directory of the Nerherlands, is offering a solution. Togeher with partners Ralitsa’s Afrobusiness, Black Ladies Talk, Black Dutch Entrepreneurs, AFRO Magazine and Treffend HRM in Suriname, we are holding the Black Owned Business Virtual Fair | X-Mas Edition from 25 to 29 november 2020.
Unique, next level, unforgettable.
Never before has such an event been held, that affords entrepreneurs from the afro community the opportunity to come in contact with customers anywhere in the world … from the comfort of their office chair. This fair is an inexpensive, COVID proof opportunity to promote your goods and services, inexpensively.
Inexpensive yes.
You can have a booth for as little 125 euros, or purchase a banner of advertisement. Want to show your promo video to your customers? That’s possible too.
These are the booth prices
Booth 1 “Made-It” €125
Booth 2 “I’m Here” €175
Booth 3 “My Booth” €225
Check out our brochure
Interested? Fill out this registration form in English: CLICK HERE
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COVID-19 demands a new mindset. 2020 challenges demand a 2020 approach. De Black Owned Business Virtual Fair | X-Mas Edition is a 2020 approach. The future is now. Leap with us.
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